As she soeaks of the rites of ancient ripening (detail), 2006
Copper, steel and audio
12 x 6 x 10 feet

Seeing you and I from here
(detail), 2006
Steel wire and fabric
15 x 5 x 6 feet

The experience of my work involves a story that slowly but elaborately unfolds as you move through each installation. The viewer is invited inside my art. There is an intimacy that requires introspection and the attention of your senses, not only through visual imagery but also through text, sound, texture.

When I first began crocheting with wire I was drawn to the physicality of the material–the play of light on the metal. The openness of the stitch gave the form an ephemeral quality–a line drawing suspended in space. I came to realize that through this time-consuming process I was able to experience a meditative atmosphere that allowed time for contemplative thought. These sculptures reflect my struggle with questions of the human condition and the passage of time.

My art is also inspired by my own journal entries and a universal need to relate to others. The image of a line of coquetted wire began to resemble, to me, a line of handwritten script and became a natural transition from my written words. Presenting words as tactile objects, I am acknowledging the power of language. I explore the provocative perspective of memory and the significance of recording our own personal histories.

My work is my celebration of the majestic quality of calm and the quest for a sanctuary of true intimacy.


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