My Depleted Genes, 2004
Work jeans, embroidery floss, thread, snap rings, steel, gravel, and packing peanuts
8 x 4 x 4 feet

Global Gobbler, 2005
Patina and clear coated steel
50 x 41 x 55 inches

My art is infused with a humorous skepticism that conceals socio-political and environmental commentary.

A sense of humor is central to my work, and visual puns proliferate. For example, My Depleted Genes is composed of my degraded blue jeans. In other works, I have altered steel so it appears to be wood; I have transformed cookies into a metropolis; and I have converted a vehicle into a toaster. My Burnings truly are what the name implies, yet more: I have burned painted metal to construct paintings.

Brooding over America’s irresponsible consumer culture is an impetus for some of my artwork. I fabricate nearly all of my sculptures using waste material. Global Gobbler is a realization of this thought process, transforming the discarded into the novel.

All of my works explore observations of the natural, human, and material world, often emphasizing the similarities between the incongruous.

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