Genesis System (detail), 2005
Fabricated steel, found objects
79 x 34 x 37 inches

Genesis System, 2005
Fabricated steel, found objects
79 x 34 x 37 inches

As the inventor, I create an alternate world. In the studio, I turn back the clocks to an industrial past and a time of boyhood curiosity. It is within these walls that fantastic vehicles and the beginnings of bio-mechanical life are developed. My inventions are embedded with the hand of the maker and the passage of time.

These objects may seem out of place in the everyday, but they have an origin. This work is the result of combined and built experience inspired by nineteenth- and twentieth-century inventions like unicycles, gliders, flying machines, and cinematic visions of fantasy and science fiction. I am fascinated by an industrial past that promised progress, discovery, and voyages into the unknown.

In this world, dreams of graceful mobility and transformation still live. Flight is not hindered by weight, and the small can overcome the large.

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