The Shoah is past. What am I to make from my living Jewish flesh? Just before my fortieth birthday, I was invited to the Vermont Studio Center as a visiting artist and writer. It was the spring of 1990. The weater was bitter cold and the snow dirty. The long Vermont mud season was beginning. I was given a small, stark room with plenty of light and heat and the opportunity to work without distractions for two weeks. What you see is the result of that intense burst of study, prayer and artistic fury. These collages and kvitls* were a catharsis for the pain that I felt as a spiritual descendant of Jewish Holocaust victims. The whole purpose of the "final solution" was to keep people like me from being born. I have not done much "Holocaust Art" nor grieving since that fortnight four years ago. Instead my wife and I have focused our energies on raising our only daughter as a religious American Jew and supporting the state of Israel through the American Jewish Committee and Middle East Forum. Presently, I am working on a series of lyrical kvitls for a post-Holocaust Judaism and new millennium.

*A kvitl is a small, folded message that highly religious Jews of Eastern Europe inserted into the crevices of tombstones of great rabbis and sages. Kvitls ofter petitioned the spirit of the departed or the Almighty to answer prayers or grant wishes.

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